The Marketplace Chaplain Program

United Infrastructure Group and its affiliates have partnered with Marketplace Chaplains to provide onsite care for every employee and family members as a unique Employee Care Service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, nationwide. This service is VOLUNTARY on your part, available to ALL EMPLOYEES and IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS and is NEUTRAL from company operations.

About UIG’s Marketplace Chaplain Program

 United Infrastructure Group and its affiliates have partnered with Marketplace Chaplains to provide onsite care for every employee and family members as s a unique and comprehensive Employee Care Service, available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, nationwide. This service is VOLUNTARY, available to ALL EMPLOYEES and

IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS and is NEUTRAL from company operations. 

All services are provided as an employee benefit, with NO COST to the employee or family member. All personal information is kept CONFIDENTIAL .

The services offered through the Employee Care Service include:

  • Chaplains on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, nationwide, for crisis intervention and emergency


  • Regular, brief work site visits as well as hospital, senior living communities, funeral home, family home,

and/or other neutral site visits, when appropriate.

  • Provide individual, as well as immediate family, confidential chaplain discussions for problem issues

including, but not limited to, marriage, divorce and remarriage, serious illness, death and  grief

recovery, parenting, care of aging parents as well as any other personal issues.

  • Provide referral service and act as coordinator for specialized assistance to employees and/or

immediate family members with specific needs.

  • Make jail visits to employees and immediate family members who are incarcerated; assist the family

during times of separation; help with the transition of individuals back into mainstream society.

  • Help plan, conduct or attend funerals for employees or immediate family members, including follow-up

support and encouragement to family during the grief period.

For more information about MPC please visit their website and for more information about employee benefits please contact

UIG’s Employee Pledge & Commitment Regarding Marketplace Chaplains

from James Triplet, PE  UIG’s Chief Executive Officer

“No company is better than its employees.  I think of myself and all employees as teammates and the most important part of our organization.  I want each member of our UNITED family provided for and taken care of, as well as encouraged to achieve their full potential and God-given purpose.  I want the entire UNITED family to be knitted together as a unified, healthy, productive team.  Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I introduce a new free employee care service for you and your immediate family – UNITED Corporate Chaplains.

Accordingly, UNITED has partnered with Marketplace Chaplains, a nationally recognized organization, to provide trained Chaplains at all sites on a routine basis (hopefully weekly) to personally care for all employees and address any/all needs as requested or needed to the best of their ability.  Furthermore, our Chaplains are available to you and any of your immediate family members at any time of day or night 7 days a week anywhere in the USA. 

All Chaplains are trained professionals who will keep all conversations with UNITED employees strictly confidential, unless doing so threatens the safety and well-being of another person or if federal/state law requires disclosure to the appropriate authorities.

At UNITED we are all family with similar needs and concerns, and when one of us hurts, we all hurt.  When our employees have needs and concerns, we want to help and that is what our new free employee care service is all about . . Corporate Chaplains at our office and job sites to help you and your family anytime anywhere! “


James E. Triplett, PE

CEO & President


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